Using a safe and secure website to find your perfect Wisconsin cabin rental is important. Vacationers, rental owners and property managers should read our policy.
Northwoods Vacation Rentals
NOTICE TO ALL OWNERS AND RENTERS - RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM is a proud listing agent serving the Wisconsin vacation rental industry; we assume no responsibility and in no way warrant the accuracy of the information contained in any of the pages of this website. It is the responsibility of the OWNERS and RENTERS to conduct their own investigation regarding any and all claims made by prospective renters and/or property owners. OWNERS and RENTERS assume all liability for the information obtained on the RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM web site. RENTERS who Opt-In to the RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM email list agree to receive periodic electronic newsletters and rental special alerts. RENTERS can freely Opt-out at any time. RENTERS Opt-in emails are the sole posession of RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM. RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM Opt in email list will not be sold to the public, but may be used by RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM to distribute enewsletters and rental special alerts.
RENTERS Confirmation of information posted herein is the sole responsibility of the renting party. Also, it is not the responsibility of to confirm that a rental property listing with us has been inspected and approved by the state of Wisconsin to rent to the general public. We rely on rental owners to be truthful when we ask that they submit rentals that have been property inspected. RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM is not responsible for ANY CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS AND NUMBERS GIVEN TO RENTAL OWNERS/MANAGERS. Any wrongful results from RENTERS providing OWNERS or MANAGERS with credit card information is not the responsibility of RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM.
OWNERS Qualification of parties renting your property is the sole responsibility of you the owner. RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM is not responsible for the collection of any fees or rental money due the owners. By becoming a member of RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM, rental owners give us permission to use any information found on their business website(s).
Listing Contact Cancellation Policy
Listings can be cancelled at anytime by owner, but balance of funds are non refundable* New Contacts are annual basis and non refundable.
Renewals are not pro rated or refunded.
*Sold properties:
Owner's can transfer balance of listing to new owners for a fee of $30.
An email or letter must be sent from the current owners to or
1408 Dover Drive
Waunakee, WI 53597
Requesting the action be taken, and release all right to the new owners.
RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM reserves the right to terminate contracts with owners that are found to be misrepresenting a property, where RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM receives complaints from property renters. RENTWISCONSINCABINS.CO makes no representation as to the fitness or qualification of any individual property. Properties are certified by individual owners as being in compliance, however, this Site does not certify as to the accuracy or validity of such statements. RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM retains the right to delete any renter reviews on its network of platforms if the reviews are deemed false in any way in RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM. By sumbitting a RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM inquiry, you agree to let us display ALL inquiry details for RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM promotions though. RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM will not sell your inquiry details.
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RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM reserves the right to cancel any contract at its sole discretion and for any reason. provides no guarantee that the properties listed exist or are as pictured or described by the purported owner. RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM is not responsible IN ANY WAY for errors in rental agreement contracts. If a rental agreement does not includes a promise that renters can be forcibly removed by authorities, RENTWISCONSINCABINS.COM will not be liable for any trespasser fees whatsoever. It is the sole responsibility for rental owners or managers to make sure when a guest has overstayed their welcome, and the authorities can forcibly remove them.
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